Honey Wine - Mead

Mead, the oldest of drinks, is aged for 18 months in oak barrels.

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The same techniques used for producing wine are also used for producing mead.

With a mixture of 32% honey and 68% spring water, we obtain a mead at 14° of alcohol. The honey and wine mixture is left to ferment for 3 to 4 weeks at a temperature of 25°C.
During this time, the honey slowly transforms into alcohol.

The mixture is then left to settle for one year at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees, and the colour lightens. Slowly but surely the Honey Wine develops without losing the taste and smell of our carefully selected honeys.

The product is extracted from the top so that honey can be added to obtain the desired sweetness before being transferred to oak barrels. After a long aging process, the mead is bottled and ready for consumption.
In Brittany, Honey Wine is called ‘chouchen’, and in the Pyrenees, we call it The Bear’s Dance.

Before arriving on your table, our mead has aged for 18 months in oak barrels.

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Honey Wine - Mead

Mead, the oldest of drinks, is aged for 18 months in oak barrels.

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