Homemade Spice Bread

50% honey with no added sugar, our spice bread is made following a traditional recipe.  It is a hit with children and adults alike for breakfast or at snack time.

Net weight: 250 grams

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7,50 €

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All of our spice breads are sweetened with honey, without any added sugar or preservatives.
Our traditional spice breads keep for several months in the original packaging when protected from heat and humidity.

Ingredients:  50% Honey, wheat and rye flour, milk, eggs, baking powder, baking soda, natural spices.

No preservatives.

Recipe with spice bread

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Homemade Spice Bread

50% honey with no added sugar, our spice bread is made following a traditional recipe.  It is a hit with children and adults alike for breakfast or at snack time.

Net weight: 250 grams

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