Honey - Legal Information  - Le Rucher de l'Ours


The web site lerucherdelours.fr is edited by

Philippe WEIBEL
Beekeeper and producer
Le Rucher de l’Ours
59 Route de Font Romeu
11140 AXAT
Tél : 04 68 20 53 34

RC Perpignan 2000 B 00414
Siret : 43165809500010 R.C.S. PERPIGNAN
APE : 4729Z
N° Tva intracommunautaire : FRA47431658095

Intellectual Property:

In accordance with the law of 11th March 1957 (article 41) and the intellectual property code of 1st July 1992, the totality of the written content, illustrations, photographs, plans, designs, animations, videos and sound of this web site cannot be used or reproduced without first requesting and obtaining the editor’s authorisation. All requests can be sent to lerucherdelours@wanadoo.fr .

Data Protection Act

In compliance with the law of 6th January 1978 concerning information technology, files and liberties, this web site has been registered with the French National Commission of Computer Technology and Liberty (registration number pending). The information collected on this web site are intended strictly for Le Rucher de l’Ours. Le Rucher de l’Ours will never share or sell information with a third party. You have the right to access, modify, change or delete the information that pertains to you. To exercise this right, contact Le Rucher de l’Ours 04 68 20 53 34 or lerucherdelours@wanadoo.fr .


All of the photos found on this web site were taken by Philippe WEIBEL.

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